Saturday, August 15, 2009

Independence day thoughts

India earned its independence from the British in 1947, long ago before most of us were even born. When we celebrate its anniversary today, here are some thoughts that, in my opinion, deserve serious deliberation. Yes, we all know our great leaders brought about our freedom with their sacrifice, struggle, determination and extreme hardships so that their posterity, that is us, could live in a free, welfare country. We are proud that their dreams have materialised and we, as today's Indians, enjoy every benefit. Today, we have the technology, government, infrastructure and a determined young generation who is making this country a world power. As a third world country, our achievements in areas like IT, Telecom, Agriculture, Nuclear Science, Space Technology and social engineering are at par with that of any developed nation. And our neighbours envy us. But still, I wonder whether we are worthy of being the beneficiaries of these. Have we earned our freedom from the clutches of our abominable ways of living? I wonder whether we, as citizens of this great country, have taken up civic responsibilities with its due importance.

Look around! The filth, mud and stinking dirt we have accumulated. People throw their garbage on the streets. Some people defecate on the railways. We litter our very own dwelling premises. People spit everywhere and the red 'paan' stains decorate the walls. We have little respect for our environment.

Vehicle owners sound horns in silent zones. They do not respect the traffic rules and we do not respect the vehicles. Instead we walk on the road. We never use our pavements to walk. Our footpaths are occupied by all but pedestrians.

We use mobile phones where they are banned. We play loud music causing our neighbours inconvenience. We have a corrupt system, where bribery and favoritism dominate.

We need freedom from all these! Isn't it our responsibility to fight and earn it? Obviously, yes. The struggle starts from within by everyone of us. We are the oppressors and therefore we are the liberators. This time, no foreign power has invaded us. We are prisoners of our own.

We know that in recent times, terror attacks, terrorist activities and religious extremities in our country have gone up considerably to unwanted heights. We have nothing to worry about it as our government is tackling those issues effectively and efficiently. I am confident and have faith in our government that we will not compromise our hard earned freedom to terrorists.

It is our responsibility to be good citizens. Our civic responsibilities are not only to read about but to practice also. Let us all work together to make our nation a great place where healthy and responsible people thrive.

Let us, with combined effort, spread awareness and set examples. Let us make our country a place where other nations will look upon with envy and respect.

Jai Hind!


  1. u have said the truth about our country and we take our freedom for granted

  2. I was 2 years old at that time. I dont remenber any thing but heared from my mother that my brother took me for the first flag hoisting in our village on that day. I used to chant JHANDA OONCHA RAHE HAMARA which I heared from my mother. I still wish that our Jhanda always remains ooncha and I am proud to be an INDIAN.
