Monday, August 10, 2009

Your first move

The 6 weeks long chess training programme conducted for children has been successfully concluded on Sunday.

Many thanks to the trainers for their commitment and AMA members for providing the facilities. A special thanks to Mr. Aravindan Nair for conceiving, scheduling and executing this project to its success.


  1. This is really the begining of a big success in a small place like our

  2. The project has become successful purely because of co-operation from each and every member. Total credit goes to the office bearers of AMA who are working behind curtain to make each and every projects a grand success. Special thanks to the trainers, photographers, reporters and technical team of AMA for their efforts.

    Let's work as a team and take on new projects for which valuable suggestions are welcome.

  3. A Great initiative to engage young minds. Playing chess will certainly improve logical reasoning and concentration in children. I would suggest to conduct an annual chess tournament else these kids will forget the rules.

  4. Since I was in Dubai during this time I came to know about the training programme from Aravindan. I am sure that such activities will improve the skills of the children.

  5. We can start a music class. Something like a Keyboard & guitar classes..... and even for drawing...
